Spring Concert

Our first Band Concert this year (combining the Tierra Buena  and  Barry School Bands) is Thursday, December 5th at AK School, 7pm
(see the map below for directions)

The dress for a night time concert is always "Sunday Best" with ties for boys and dresses or skirts for girls. Any colors are fine.

The entire concert will about 50 min. from start to finish, so I encourage everyone to stay for the whole thing. Especially the beginners will enjoy hearing the Advanced Band play.

The Beginning Band has made tremendous progress and will be playing as many as 12 songs, including:

This Old Man

Yankee Doodle
Baa Baa Black Sheep
Good Night Ladies
Skip to My Lou

The Intermediate Band is also doing marvelous things, and will play:

Dance of the Jabberwocky

Londonderry Air
Camptown Capers
Surfin' USA

Advanced Band is, as always, a wonderful group to work with. Their numbers will be chosen from:

Pageantry Overture
Beyond the Wind
Safe & Sound
James Bond Returns
Jefferson Co, Overture
Bach Fugue

Come, and bring all your friends and family!


Unknown said...

Mr.Hall is a great band teacher and everyone loves band because he makes it fun. Mr.Hall is always so funny and loves to joke around.

Thanks Mr.Hall :]

From- A former band student

bandstudent said...

Mr. Hall,
I will miss you so much. These past five years have been amazing in your band and i will always remeber the time spent in P-2
Former Tierra Buena Student